Get Address Overview

Get Address Overview #

Returns the balance and statistics for a given address. #

Parameters: #

Name Type Description
coin string The coin to check for address overview, all optional values can be found here
address string The address to check for overview datas
api_key string Your API key

Sample response: #

  "code": 200,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "balance": 73.2255,
    "first_seen": 1441800674,
    "last_seen": 1700958983,
    "received_txs_count": 1540,
    "spent_txs_count": 236,
    "total_received": 916288.2006,
    "total_spent": 916210.9499,
    "txs_count": 1776

Fields: #

Name Type Description
balance float(4) The balance of the query address
first_seen int The first transaction time of the query address, in unix timestamp format
last_seen int The last transaction time of the query address, in unix timestamp format
received_txs_count int Total number of incoming transactions of the query address
spent_txs_count int Total number of outgoing transactions of the query address
total_received float(4) The total received amount of the query address
total_spent float(4) The total spent amount of the query address
txs_count int Total number of transactions of the query address