
Welcome to use our API. This documentation will help you to integrate our API into your system.

openapi domain #

Authentication #

  • mch_no: your merchant number.
  • api_key: your api key.

You can get your api_key and mch_no from here. You can pass the api_key and mch_no through the URL query parameters or the header, for example:

curl https://openapi.zk.me?api_key=xxx&mch_no=xxx
curl -H "api_key: xxx" -H "mch_no: xxx" https://openapi.zk.me

Common Response Data Structure #

  "code": 200,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {}
Field Type Description
code int 200: success, other: error
message string error message
data object response data

Rate Limits #

Plan Rate Limit
Standard 10 call per second / key